Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a form of healing that manipulates, restores or balances the flow of energy in the body. Energy healing therapy can help alleviate stress, negativity, chronic pain, and other conditions by improving your natural energy flow. Energy healing works on every level of your life—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Five Benefits
Of Energy Healing.


1. Release old behaviors. Energy healing helps you tap in to the root of your problems to release any old, habitual thinking and behaviors that are keeping you from experiencing abundance, health, connection and joy in your life. Want to lose weight, stop smoking, or kick an addiction? Try energy medicine.

2. Restore your health. When you put your knowledge to use through energy healing, you can treat serious ailments like cancers and chronic conditions and repair old muscular and skeletal injuries. You can also restore balance to the basic systems of your body, such as digestion and circulation, and promote overall wellness and immunity.

3. Achieve any goal. When using energy medicine, you can develop a “success” mentality that steers you to abundance. You can let go of old feelings like guilt and regret and begin to overcome fears that hold you back. Then you’ll be able to rebuild your self-confidence from the inside out.

4. Live a more peaceful life. You can ease the pain of depression and find joy again in everyday life by releasing stress and anxiety and replacing it with a renewed sense of serenity and self-confidence. Energy healing therapy will help you get to the root of pent-up anger so you can move forward toward compassion and understanding and begin living a more peaceful life.

5. Find your sense of purpose. Energy healing gives your life a deep and unshakable sense of purpose and meaning. It encourages your natural intuition to guide you in positive ways and empowers your connections to all of the people in your life.


1 Hour




What people have to say about us:

  • Donna
    Feeling clean inside was my first experience along with more energy! Not feeling hungry was a plus for me. Now, I watch what I put in and have a better understanding of how my digestive system works. Maria is the greatest!!! She put me at ease immediately! Maria treats you like you are her only client and is very knowledgeable. Thank you so very much Maria for this awesome experience! This will be the beginning of my health journey.
  • Hannah
    Maria was warm, welcoming and set a positive tone and good energy from the very first session I had with her. I felt better, lighter and more comfortable in my body after working with Maria.
  • Dave
    My experiences with Maria have been life transforming. Maria is a gifted therapist and intuitive healer for me. From better skin tone and better digestion to all around better health and wellbeing I am a true believer in this wonderful healing and maintenance protocol of colon hydrotherapy. She is a wonderful person and has become a trusted friend over the many years I have been her client. Thank you again Maria for the commitment you have made to have a first class yet affordable retreat to rejuvenate and reset the body to its natural healing and wellness set point.
    I.G. Heights
  • Bobbie
    I have been going to Maria for the past 8 years for colonics. Maria is the most compassionate person I have ever met. She is very knowledgeable and skilled in her profession. Colonics have literally saved my life and Maria has taken time to get to know me and understand my health issues. I highly recommend a colonic with Maria. She will change your life.Bobbie
  • ISK
    I have been getting colonics from Maria for the past three years. When I first had colonic session with Maria it was the best experience I’ve ever had. She makes me feel welcomed, comfortable and relaxed. Maria is very loving, caring and is very passionate about her career when comes to helping people heal. After having many sessions with her I feel more energetic, wonderful, less craving for sweets and lose a few pounds. I am grateful to have met her.
    Little Canada
  • Holly
    I’ve been a client of Maria for the past 10+years.  Maria’s professionalism and caring for each and every client is remarkable.  Colon Hydrotherapy is very personal and It’s important that you trust and believe in the person administering this procedure.  Maria is this person.  Maria’s years of experience and intuition greatly impacts her ability to maintain in high standard.  I would highly recommend Maria to anyone interested in Colon Hydrotherapy.