Colonic Procedure

The Day Before

For a day or two before and after a colonic irrigation session, drink lots of filtered or distilled water, herbal teas, and fresh juices, along with eating fresh, organic and seasonal vegetables, fruits, whole grains, soups, and lighter proteins. Eating this way naturally creates a healthier intestinal cleansing atmosphere and also reduces the possibilities of both excess gas build-up and delay in resuming your proper elimination function.

before colon hydrotherapy
fruits vegetables

Day of the Session

On the day of your colon hyrdrotherapy session, you can eat mostly vegetables and fruits, or you can juice. This puts your body into a deeper cleansing mode. Remember water! However, try to avoid eating or drinking for two hours before your appointment so that you’re not digesting or needing to empty your bladder during your session.

Session Expectation: If you are a new client, we suggest you arrive 5 minutes early before your colon cleanse session so you can fill out the health history form. We will begin by reviewing your health history, diet and lifestyle along with your expectations of the session and answering questions and making sure that you feel comfortable before we get started.

Before the session begins, you will start in the restroom by emptying your bladder. Next, the therapist takes you to the therapy room and you will change and undress from the waist down and put on a fresh clean gown for privacy and then lie down on your back facing up on the therapy table.

During the Session

After the insertion of a small disposable tube, you lie comfortably on your back completely on the therapy table facing up and you will be covered completely the entire time with a blanket to ensure modesty. The therapist will then explain how the colon hydrotherapy equipment works and the treatment procedure. We use only the “Closed System”, so waste is discreetly transported into the drain line without offensive odor and without compromising the dignity of the individual.

The therapist also stays with you in the room during the entire colon cleanse session as it is very important to us that you are comfortable and stay constant communication. You receive the benefit of their knowledge and experience. The therapist will listen to your health concerns, answer your questions and discuss your colonic therapy plan.

After the Session

It is fine to carry on with your normal daily plans or to return to work after a colon cleanse. Most people feel energetic, light and in a very positive mood.

We ask that you eat very light, pure and easy to digest foods for the remainder of the day. Avoid nuts and anyting spicy. Stick to steamed veggies, fresh veggie juice, a non-cream-based soup, light fish and soft whole grains for the day of your session. Try to stay away from raw, overly rich, heavy foods. You have just cleansed your system so well, we want you to allow your body to rest and relax so it can go to work to heal you, rather than to work digesting huge, rich meals.

It is not uncommon for 1-3 days to pass before your first bowel movement after a colon hydrotherapy session. Please be patient. The whole digestive tract is one long tube (7 times the length of your body if stretched out!) so it may take some time for your colon to refill after a colon cleanse. What you eat and drink will determine how the redefining of your colon’s shape and movement will occur. Remember to drink lots of water.