Colon Issues
Common Colon Health Problems
Consider that 400 to 600 million dollars are spent annually on laxatives in the United States. Laxatives are the method of colon cleansing that is most popularly used today. They are considered to be an irritant and stimulant to the body. They simply draw water from the body and produce a thin, watery substance that clears only the most recently digested waste from the colon, leaving behind bad eating habits and accumulated toxins and mucus in the stomach, small intestines and colon. They certainly don’t promote bowel health.
Every year 126,000 Americans are diagnosed as having colorectal cancer. Of this population, 44% will die as a result of the disease. At least two million Americans suffer from colitis, ileitis, or diverticulitis, and 100,000 Americans have a colostomy each year. Periodic cleansing of the colon through alternative methods like colon hydrotherapy could prevent stagnation and minimize the exposure to potential cancer-causing agents to the colon wall.
A toxic bowel is the source of many health problems. By cleansing the old, toxic mucus lining of the bowel using colonic irrigation services, one can feel better. In addition, the bowel is open to a more efficient means of waste elimination and nutrient absorption, both of which can be helpful to any healing process.
The toxins in the fecal matter are absorbed by the colon wall and re-circulate through the blood stream; this process is called ‘autointoxication’. As these toxins circulate the body, the lymphatic, circulatory systems, liver, lungs and kidneys become overburdened and when these systems are unable to cope with this toxic overload your body becomes at risk for serious health problems.
Symptoms of auto intoxication include:
Candida Yeast Overgrowth
Chronic Fatigue
Difficult Weight Loss
Foul Body/Breath Odor
Frequent Colds
Lack of Mental Focus
Lack of Sexual Response
Lower Back Pain
Menstrual Problems
Poor Vision